Чанартай дэвсгэр
Зөөлөн хөвсгөр үстэй, доороо резинэн дэвсгэртэй тул хальтарч гулгахгүй,хэрэглэхэд тухтай, угааж цэвэрлэхэд амар.
Урт: 230 см
Өргөн: 160 см
Easy to bring home since the whole dining set is packed in one box.
The wood expression and design of the backrest bring a traditional look to the room.
Enhance the comfort by adding soft chair pads that fit the seat perfectly.
Pine ages beautifully as the colour deepens and becomes richer over time.
Durable solid wood and antique colour finish will outlast many years of use.
We have tested it for you! The table’s surface is resistant to liquids, food stains, oil, heat, scratches and bumps, while its construction is stable, strong and durable to withstand years of daily use.
You can stack the chairs, so they take less space when you're not using them.
Shallow shelves help you to use small wall spaces effectively by accommodating small items in a minimum of space.
Adjustable shelves; adapt space between shelves according to your needs.
A simple unit can be enough storage for a limited space or the foundation for a larger storage solution if your needs change.
Helps you organise your shoes and saves floor space at the same time.
You can easily adjust the space in the shoe compartments by moving or taking away the dividers.
In the shoe cabinet your shoes get the ventilation and the space they need to keep them like new for longer.
Can be folded up, which makes the laundry bag simple to carry and put away.
Helps you organise your shoes and saves floor space at the same time.
You can easily adjust the space in the shoe compartments by moving or taking away the dividers.
In the shoe cabinet your shoes get the ventilation and the space they need to keep them like new for longer.
Highly absorbent washcloths made of 100% cotton – perfect to use when baths, nappy changes or as shoulder protection after the baby's meal – and always practical to bring in a bag or jacket pocket.
The washcloths are machine washable and can be used over and over again. They are also tested and contain no substances that can harm your child's skin or health. A safe choice for your child – and for the environment.
You can easily clean behind ears and in all other small skin folds since the washcloths are both thin and smooth.
A soft washcloth is just what’s needed to wash off dirty knees, to dry messy hands after eating or to clean all those small skin folds when changing a nappy.
Also good to use as nursing pads or for removing makeup since they are gentle against the skin.
Экологийн цэвэр бүтээгдэхүүн. Эмзэг мэдрэмтгий арьсанд цочрол өгөхгүй. Арьс харшлын судалгаа хийгдсэн. Анхилам зөөлөн үнэртэй. Цагаан болон бүх төрлийн өнгөтэй хувцас угааж болно.
Өтгөрүүлсэн хуурай угаалгын нунтаг. Amway SA8™ Premium- Угаалгын нунтаг /SA8 гэдэг нь 8 дахин өтгөрүүлсэн гэсэн тэмдэглэгээ юм/ BIOQUEST Formula буюу биозадлагч нэгдэл, найрлагандаа идэвхитэй хүчилтөрөгч, биофермэнтүүдийг агуулдаг учраас усанд уусах чадвар өндөр
Adjustable hinges allow you to adjust the door horizontally and vertically.
Panel/glass doors provide dust-free storage and let you hide or display things according to your needs.