Quequa брендийн эмэгтэй энгийн үед, өдөр тутамдаа өмсөхөд тохиромжтой, резинэн ултай.
The wide flat bottom and anti-slip surface keep the plate and bowl in place and make it easier for children to eat from.
Helps prevent messy spills and makes it easier for small children to eat by themselves. The high sides curve inwards to help keep the food inside the plate.
Approved for food contact and made of the same harmless plastic used in baby bottles, disposable nappies and food boxes.
Anti-slip material on the underside; the potty won't slide so easily when your child is using it.
Made from harmless plastic, the same material used in in baby bottles, disposable nappies and food boxes.
Easy to empty and clean.
Quequa брендийн аялалын болон уулын гутал. Борооны хамгаалаттай. Размер: 40, 41, 42
Quechua брендийн хүүхдийн аялалын болон уулын гутал. Размер: 34
Perfect for small children to sit at and play, draw, do crafts or set the table for a cosy picnic in the garden.
The furniture is light but steady, and your child can carry them from room to room or out into the garden.
Made from harmless plastic, the same material used in in baby bottles, disposable nappies and food boxes.
Also perfect for outdoor use since it is made to withstand rain, sun, snow and dirt.
Easy to assemble – you just click the components together.
Quechua брендийн аялалын болон уулын гутал.
Борооны хамгаалалттай амьсгалдаг гутал, явган аялахад тохиромжтой, олон цагийн турш алхахад зөөлөн учир хөл өвтгөхгүй бөгөөд резинэн ул нь чийгтэй газар хальтрахаас хамгаална.
You can stack the chairs, so they take less space when you're not using them.
Quequa брендийн эрэгтэй аялал,ууланд өмсөхөд тохиромжтой гутал. Бороо усны хамгаалалттай, хальтарч гулгахгүй. Размер: 44
Quechua брендийн эмэгтэй аялалын болон уулын гутал. Бороо усны хамгаалалттай.
Quequa брендийн спорт болон гүйлтын гутал. Размер: 37,38
Easy to disassemble and carry along.
A highchair makes it easier for small children to sit at the same table as adults, which helps them develop social and eating skills.