One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and fit more into your cabinets and drawers.
Can be hung on SUNNERSTA rail.
Easy to refill as the dispenser has a wide opening.
The laundry bag does not absorb moisture or odours from the laundry because it is made of polyester.
2 laundry bags fit side by side in a 50 cm wide PAX wardrobe frame with a depth of 58 cm.
Easy to attach to the wall thanks to the self-adhesive tape.
Personalise the hook by writing or drawing something on it.
Use MÅLA coloured pencil so that you can easily erase what you have written with an eraser.
SA8 Black - Хар болон бараан өнгөтэй хувцасны угаалгын шингэн:
Өнгөний хаан бол хар өнгө. Тиймдээ ч хар өнгийн хувцас хэзээ ч моданаас гардаггүй.
Таныг дэгжин, чамин, ажил хэрэгч харагдуулдаг хар хувцасны чинь өнгө гандаж, гундаад байна уу? Тийм бол Amway брендын хар хувцасны угаалгын шингэнийг хэрэглээд нэг үзээрэй. Таны хайртай хувцасыг яг л шинэ мэт болгоно. Нэг угаалтанд ердөө 20-30 мл угаалгын шингэн хангалттай. Хэмнэлттэй өтгөрүүлсэн савлагаатай, хар өнгийг сэргээх шидэт угаалгын шингэн.
Хэмжээ: 1литр -50- 33 удаагийн угаалттай
One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Besides being a fun companion in the bath or shower, this rubber mat reduces the risk of your child slipping and hurting themselves.
You can keep the mat clean and fresh for longer by hanging it up to dry after you’ve used it. The holes in the mat are perfect for hanging.
Can be combined with SVARTSJÖN soap dispenser and soap dish.