The design makes this piece of furniture easy to place, easy to use for various needs, and easy to match with other furnishings.
The table is easy to move where you like, since it’s both light and stable.
The surface is durable and easy to keep clean.
With its simple shapes, muted colours and matt glaze, the dinnerware gives a rustic feel to your table setting.
75The jar has an aroma-tight seal, which makes it perfect for preserving your favourite homemade jams and jellies.
The aroma-tight seal helps food retain its flavour and aroma longer.
You can reduce your food waste by storing your dry foods in a jar with an aroma-tight lid, because it keeps the food fresh longer.
The transparent jar makes it easy to find what you are looking for, regardless of where it is placed.
Simple yet timeless tableware with a traditional style, soft, round shapes and attention to detail that frames the food on your table well.
Stack the smaller sizes inside the larger of the same range, to save space when not in use.
0"Торхондой" дусал хэлбэртэй гурилны гамбанз
Царс модон гамбанз нь бат бөх чанартай учраас хоол хүнс бэлтгэх явцад хамгийн бага элэгддэг.
Хэмжээ: 50 см диаметр
Simple yet timeless tableware with a traditional style, soft, round shapes and attention to detail that frames the food on your table well.
Stack the smaller sizes inside the larger of the same range, to save space when not in use.
Can be used over and over again since it can be re-sealed.
"Торхондой" зуйван хэлбэртэй модон таваг/цар
Чанасан мах гаргах, төрөл бүрийн хоолны цуглуулга таваглахад тохиромжтой.
Хэмжээ: 30х45 см
The drainage gates on the underside transport water away that may otherwise accumulate when the mug is upside down in the dishwasher.
Separate shelf for magazines, etc. helps you keep your things organised and the table top clear.
"Торхондой" дөрвөлжин гурилны гамбанз
Царс модон гамбанз нь бат бөх чанартай учраас хоол хүнс бэлтгэх явцад хамгийн бага элэгддэг.
Хэмжээ: 55х45 см
You can grate, for example, cheese straight into the container, put the lid on and then store the cheese in the fridge.