A terry cloth with a hood for babies and toddlers. Made of 100% sustainably grown cotton ‒ a soft and natural material that feels good against your child's skin. Tested, approved and completely free from harmful substances and additives.
Warm and comfortable to get into after a bath since the child can be completely wrapped in the towel which is also highly absorbent so that your child gets dry quickly and stays warm.
The practical hood helps keep heat in after a nice bath while keeping the towel in place when the child moves or runs around.
The loop makes it easy to hang on a knob or hook.
Хотын төвийн бүсэд хүргэлт 3000₮ ба таны захиалгын дүн 300000₮ дээш бол үнэгүй хүргэнэ. Төвийн бүсд дараах хязгаарууд хамаарна.
Зайсан толгойгоос урагшаа, Яармагийн гүүр, Саппорогийн тойрог, Хорооллын эцэс, Баянбүрдийн тойрог, 100 айл, Сансар болон Жуков, Өгөөмөр зах хүртэл.
Тухайн бараатай хамт хэрэглэгдэх бараанууд