Designed both for right-handed and for left-handed persons.
98900Designed both for right-handed and for left-handed persons.
Saves space on the worktop.
You can easily adjust the bracket to the depth of your microwave oven.
AMWAY Gel Oven Cleaner
Amway компаний хамгийн их борлуулалттай бүтээгдэхүүний нэг болох онцгой найрлага бүхий энэхүү шарах шүүгээ цэвэрлэгч гелийг зориулалтын түрхэгч багсаар түрхэх ба шарах шүүгээний гадаргуу дахь түлэгдэж наалдсан тос, хоолны үлдэгдэл зэргийг зөөллөж уусган, гадаргуугаас бүрэн салгана. Та зөвхөн арчиж авахад л хангалттай.
Store lots of washed dishes in a small space. 9 glasses can be put on the outside of the dish drainer.
Holds large plates with a dia. up to 32 cm as well.
Saves space on the worktop.
Can also be used as a towel rail.
Smart solutions to free up your workspace and put things close at hand - that’s what the HULTARP series is all about, topped with a traditional expression that adds a warm feeling to your kitchen.
vCan be hung on the wall or placed on the worktop.
Removable tray underneath; collects water from the drainer.
vCan be hung on the wall or placed on the worktop.
Removable tray underneath; collects water from the drainer...
For a longer rail, connect two FINTORP rails together using only one bracket.
The rails can also be used to hang towels on.
Пааландаагүй бүтээгдэхүүн болох зэс, гууль, зэвэрдэггүй гангийн өнгийг сэргээн гялалзуулна.
Түлэгдэлтээс үүссэн бохирдлыг ор мөргүй арилгана.
Эвтэйхэн хэмнэлттэй савалгаатай.
Химийн болон зүлгүүрэн бодисоор зэрэг цэвэрлэнэ.
Хоргүй эрүүл бүтэц.
Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and fit more into your cabinets and drawers.
Can be hung on SUNNERSTA rail.
Practical hand tools for all your basic needs at home.
You can also use the hammer as a rubber mallet, since separate rubber casing is included.
The tools have an easy to grip handle of soft synthetic rubber.