We invited a group of users to undergo field and laboratory tests to measure their perception of cold temperatures while wearing shoes. Based on this, we can calculate the thermal insulation effect of the shoe when the user is motionless. The comfortable temperature in the static state is as low as -11 ° C and in the dynamic state as low as -20 ° C. As a result, you can know exactly when the temperature is low and the shoes will remain warm. Record the appropriate temperature rating on the shoe. Different factors for men and women are taken into account to keep warm.
We invited a group of users to undergo field and laboratory tests to measure their perception of cold temperatures while wearing shoes. Based on this, we can calculate the thermal insulation effect of the shoe when the user is motionless. The comfortable temperature in the static state is as low as -11 ° C and in the dynamic state as low as -20 ° C. As a result, you can know exactly when the temperature is low and the shoes will remain warm. Record the appropriate temperature rating on the shoe. Different factors for men and women are taken into account to keep warm.
Хотын төвийн бүсэд хүргэлт 3000₮ ба таны захиалгын дүн 300000₮ дээш бол үнэгүй хүргэнэ. Төвийн бүсд дараах хязгаарууд хамаарна.
Зайсан толгойгоос урагшаа, Яармагийн гүүр, Саппорогийн тойрог, Хорооллын эцэс, Баянбүрдийн тойрог, 100 айл, Сансар болон Жуков, Өгөөмөр зах хүртэл.
Тухайн бараатай хамт хэрэглэгдэх бараанууд