A terry towel in medium thickness that is soft and highly absorbent (weight 500 g/m²).
The long, fine fibres of combed cotton create a soft and durable towel.
The laundry bag does not absorb moisture or odours from the laundry because it is made of polyester.
2 laundry bags fit side by side in a 50 cm wide PAX wardrobe frame with a depth of 58 cm.
Two-sided woven polyester which gives a soft fall and a decorative pattern on both sides.
Densely-woven polyester fabric with water-repellent coating.
Made from stainless steel that is durable and easy to clean.
5The shower curtain rod is easy to install without screws or drilling, as it has a spring mechanism that keeps it firmly in place.
You can easily extend the rod from 120 to 200 cm.
The long, fine fibres of combed cotton create a soft and durable towel.
Can be combined with SVARTSJÖN soap dispenser and soap dish.
Besides being a fun companion in the bath or shower, this rubber mat reduces the risk of your child slipping and hurting themselves.
You can keep the mat clean and fresh for longer by hanging it up to dry after you’ve used it. The holes in the mat are perfect for hanging.
Бяцхан хүүхдийн тань арьсийг төрсөн цагаас нь эхлэн хамгаалж, зөөлөн булбарай байлгана.
Найрлага: Е витамин, натурал тос /олив, бүйлс/ болон арьсийг тайвшруулж, зөөлрүүлэгч балжингарав цэцгийн ханд, алое орсон. Синтетик будагч бодис агуулаагүй, парабен, силикон зэрэг аюултай нэгдэл агуулаагүй.
Хурдан шинэдэг бүтэцтэй
A terry towel in medium thickness that is soft and highly absorbent (weight 400 g/m²).
The long, fine fibres of combed cotton create a soft and durable towel.
Available in different colours which are easy to coordinate with other bath textiles and accessories.
Экологийн цэвэр бүтээгдэхүүн. Эмзэг мэдрэмтгий арьсанд цочрол өгөхгүй. Арьс харшлын судалгаа хийгдсэн. Анхилам зөөлөн үнэртэй. Цагаан болон бүх төрлийн өнгөтэй хувцас угааж болно.
Өтгөрүүлсэн хуурай угаалгын нунтаг. Amway SA8™ Premium- Угаалгын нунтаг /SA8 гэдэг нь 8 дахин өтгөрүүлсэн гэсэн тэмдэглэгээ юм/ BIOQUEST Formula буюу биозадлагч нэгдэл, найрлагандаа идэвхитэй хүчилтөрөгч, биофермэнтүүдийг агуулдаг учраас усанд уусах чадвар өндөр
A terry towel in medium thickness that is soft and highly absorbent (weight 400 g/m²).
The long, fine fibres of combed cotton create a soft and durable towel.
Available in different colours which are easy to coordinate with other bath textiles and accessories.
A terry towel in medium thickness that is soft and highly absorbent (weight 400 g/m²).
The long, fine fibres of combed cotton create a soft and durable towel.