The shower curtain rod is easy to install without screws or drilling, as it has a spring mechanism that keeps it firmly in place.
You can easily extend the rod from 120 to 200 cm.
One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
The laundry bag does not absorb moisture or odours from the laundry because it is made of polyester.
2 laundry bags fit side by side in a 50 cm wide PAX wardrobe frame with a depth of 58 cm.
Easy to mount on the wall. You can either fasten the knobs to the wall using the self-adhesive backing or screw them into the wall.
Easily and quickly removes animal hairs, dust and fluff from garments, furniture and car seats.
Practical handle with hole; easy to hang up for storage.
Калцитай тундасыг 100% устгана. Тааламжгүй үнэрийг арилгана.
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- Усан дотор ч хатуу тунадас болон кальцийн тунадасыг устгадаг:
- Септик болон ус дамжуулах хойлойд муу нөлөөгүй.
- Фосфат, хлор агуулдаггүй. Байгалийн гаралтай түүхий эдийн найрлагатай.
1 савлагаагаар 100 удаа цэвэрлэнэ.
Can be combined with SVARTSJÖN soap dispenser and soap dish.
Perfect for soap, but also jewellery or other small items that easily disappear.
It’s easy to keep the soap dish clean as the dish itself is removable.
One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Perfect for soap, but also jewellery or other small items that easily disappear.
5The shower curtain rod is easy to install without screws or drilling, as it has a spring mechanism that keeps it firmly in place.
You can easily extend the rod from 120 to 200 cm.
Besides being a fun companion in the bath or shower, this rubber mat reduces the risk of your child slipping and hurting themselves.
You can keep the mat clean and fresh for longer by hanging it up to dry after you’ve used it. The holes in the mat are perfect for hanging.
SA8™All fabric bleach-Цайруулагч нунтаг бодис-500 гр
Идэвхитэй хүчилтөрөгчийн цайруулагч нь толбыг арилгаж өнгөтэй хувцасны өнгийг алдагдуулахгүй.Цагаан болон өнгөтэй хувцас эдлэл угааж болно.Биологийн гаралтай толбо арилгана.Үүнд:Жимс,жимсний шүүс,байхуу цай,вино,кофе г.м.
Хувцасны өнгийг сэргээж цайруулна.Дерматологийн туршилт хийгдсэн.Фосфат,хлор,будагч бодис агуулаагүй.Маш багаар хэрэглэгдэх тул эдийн засагт хэмнэлттэй.