Энэхүү агааржуулагч нь өрөөний агаарыг цэнгэг байлгахаас гадна орчны бохир, эвгүй үнэрийг бүрэн дарна.
?Бактер устгагчтай
?Нягтаршуулсан тул маш бага хэрэглэгдэнэ
?Загас, тамхиний утааг бүрэн саармагжуулна.
?Нэг удаагын шүршилтээр 25м2 талбайг агааржуулах ба тасалгааны бүх хэсэгт тархан байгалийн сэргэг сайхан тааламжтай үнэрийг таньд мэдрүүлнэ.
Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and fit more into your cabinets and drawers.
Can be hung on SUNNERSTA rail.
vCan be hung on the wall or placed on the worktop.
Removable tray underneath; collects water from the drainer...
With suction cups that grip smooth surfaces such as glass, mirrors and tiles.
Holes in the bottom for draining.
Saves space on the worktop.
Adjustable hinges allow you to adjust the door horizontally and vertically.
Panel/glass doors provide dust-free storage and let you hide or display things according to your needs.
The shelf becomes one with the wall thanks to the concealed mounting hardware.
The polyester/cotton blend is easy to care for since the fabric is less liable to shrink and crease.
Fits beds that are 80-90 cm wide.
The picture ledge has a special groove to keep smaller frames at the perfect angle.
The picture ledge makes it easy to vary your favourite motifs as often as you like.
75The jar has an aroma-tight seal, which makes it perfect for preserving your favourite homemade jams and jellies.
The aroma-tight seal helps food retain its flavour and aroma longer.
You can reduce your food waste by storing your dry foods in a jar with an aroma-tight lid, because it keeps the food fresh longer.
The transparent jar makes it easy to find what you are looking for, regardless of where it is placed.
Helps free up space on your worktop while keeping cooking utensils close at hand.
Can be hung on FINTORP rail using FINTORP hooks, or kept freestanding on the table or windowsill.
The jar has an aroma-tight seal, which makes it perfect for preserving your favourite homemade jams and jellies.
The aroma-tight seal helps food retain its flavour and aroma longer.
You can reduce your food waste by storing your dry foods in a jar with an aroma-tight lid, because it keeps the food fresh longer.
The transparent jar makes it easy to find what you are looking for, regardless of where it is placed.
Төрөл бүрийн угаах боломжтой гадаргууны бохирдлыг цэвэрлэнэ.
Amway бүтээгдэхүүн дундаас хамгийн эрэлттэй, өдөр тутмын цэвэрлэгээний бүтээгдэхүүн.
Зөөлөн болон аюулгүй.
Фосфат, шүлт, хүчил болон цайруулагч хлор агуулаагүй.
Найрлага дахь эфирийн тос тааламжтай үнэрийг ялгаруулна.
Арьсанд муу нөлөөгүй нь батлагдсан.
Эмчилгээ сувиллын газар, хүүхдийн цэцэрлэг, сургуульд ашиглаж болно.