One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Perfect for soap, but also jewellery or other small items that easily disappear.
The shower curtain rod is easy to install without screws or drilling, as it has a spring mechanism that keeps it firmly in place.
You can easily extend the rod from 120 to 200 cm.
Made from stainless steel that is durable and easy to clean.
Prewash spray sa8 - Цацдаг толбо арилгагч
??????Ажил хэрэгч хэрэглэгчийн цагаан сорочкон цамцны зах, ханцуй хамгийн түрүүнд бохирдож, шарлаж, өнгөө алдаж бүр цаашлаад удаан эдэлгээний дараа сэмэрсэн байдаг шүү дээ. Тэгвэл Amway брендын цацдаг толбо арилгагчыг хэрэглэснээр даавууны бат бөх байдал сайжирч, шарлаж өнгөө алдсан даавууны өнгө эргээд шинэ мэт сэргэдэг.
One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Easily and quickly removes animal hairs, dust and fluff from garments, furniture and car seats.
Practical handle with hole; easy to hang up for storage.
No visible screws, as the fixings are concealed.
Double functions - a towel rail and a shelf in one.
Made from stainless steel that is durable and easy to clean.
5The shower curtain rod is easy to install without screws or drilling, as it has a spring mechanism that keeps it firmly in place.
You can easily extend the rod from 120 to 200 cm.
Бяцхан хүүхдийн тань арьсийг төрсөн цагаас нь эхлэн хамгаалж, зөөлөн булбарай байлгана.
Найрлага: Е витамин, натурал тос /олив, бүйлс/ болон арьсийг тайвшруулж, зөөлрүүлэгч балжингарав цэцгийн ханд, алое орсон. Синтетик будагч бодис агуулаагүй, парабен, силикон зэрэг аюултай нэгдэл агуулаагүй.
Хурдан шинэдэг бүтэцтэй
It’s easy to keep the soap dish clean as the dish itself is removable.
One push assembly - clean the wall surface and push to attach. No tools are needed.
To release and remove, insert a credit card (or similar) between the suction cup and the wall. No ugly holes or marks are left behind.
The suction cups have a tight grip on smooth surfaces like glass or tiles.
Perfect for soap, but also jewellery or other small items that easily disappear.
Perfect for soap, but also jewellery or other small items that easily disappear.